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Preserve the Memory of Your Horse

F o r e v e r

P O P U L A R  D E S I G N S

W H A T  O U R  C U S T O M E R S  H A V E  T O  S A Y

horse hair bracelet
E m m a  W i l l i s
T e x a s

"This [bracelet] was part of my Christmas present to myself...This bracelet means so much.


This Fall, we lost our blind mare, Baby, and I sent off her hair to get a few keepsakes made. This came back and it couldn't have been more perfect.


If you need anything made, contact Rebecca with Moon +  Mountain!"

horse hair bracelet
T i f f a n y  H u d s o n
W e s t  V i r g i n i a

"I absolutely loved my bracelet! I was able to show Becky a picture of the hair color I wanted for my bracelet, and she matched it perfectly! She is SO professional & easy to work with. You can tell how much she cares about her customer and how much she wants to make sure to do everything precisely how you want it! Her jewelry is fantastic quality too, and she sends a little blurb about the horse that the hair came from along with a little card that tells you how to take care of your bracelet, which is SO handy to have! It's also safe for it to get wet, so I don't have to worry when I'm at the barn doing chores or bathing a horse! Highly recommend getting Becky's jewelry!!

horse hair saddle charm, horse hair keepsake
S t e p h a n i e  A n g e l l
N o r t h  C a r o l i n a

"I LOVE my saddle charm made with my Cinchy's hair! And I am proud of myself; I have remembered to put on my bracelet the last two mornings AND I was able to put it on all by myself!


I love both of my keepsake pieces so much! Thank you again Becky from Moon & Mountain Equine Keepsakes again for both my pieces!"

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